

Please keep in mind that is not meant to be a debate forum. There are many other websites/blogs that offer this possibility.

This website is to help Christians in their faith. To strengthen and equip those who want to.

You can fill in the form below for questions and remarks. We like to answer where possible, but there will be no e-mail debate.

Questions and remarks with improper use of language will not be answered.

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Messages, feedback en discussions

Below you will find a collection of reactions and remarks that recieved by e-mail. The reactions/remarks are interesting reading and thus decided to put them online.
Normally do not respond on name claling and other improper use of language and these message are not likely to be used here. Nevertheless, sometimes these messages can be used for teaching. When we decide to use these messages we will censor the improper words. We will make notice by replacing the word with this image: .
Because of privacy reasons we will alter names and/or parts in which one can find details about the who the writer is.

Thank you (28 April 2022)

18 year old student

Don. Apr. 28 06:27 2022

Hello, my name is [...], and I am an 18 year old from the United States.
It's my junior year of high school, and in my english class for my final, my teacher told us to write a research paper about whatever we wanted. I chose to write about the existence of God. When conducting my research to prove my argument, I was having some trouble finding accurate evidence and sources to help back up my claims. That's when I came across this website,, and I just wanted to thank you all for this hard work you guys have put in on this site. It helped me find the sources and evidence I needed to prove my argument, and I'm glad you all are truly equipping Christians, like me, to help them strengthen their faith.
God bless you all, and thanks again.

Sincerely, [...]

Great work (31 Oktober 2013)


Thus. Okt. 31 12:30 2013

Hi whoever put together this site. I'm Jeff Jack, with Restoring Genesis Ministries.

I produced "Forbidden History: Dinosaurs and the Bible." Thank you for reposting our video. The more people tha know the truth the better.

I just wanted to tell you that you site looks great and I hope that it's popularity continues to grow.

We will have another video out (Lord Willing) by the end of the year. It is going to be about human footprints in the fossil record.

Blessings in Christ,
Restoring Genesis Ministries

Sat. Nov. 2 14:56 2013

Dear Jeff,

My apologise for not responding more promptly.
My name is Jurgen Hofmann and the website is mine. Thank you for the compliments.

It is good to know who produced the documentary. The reposting was a bit of a gamble as I did not really know who to address concerning the copyrights. The website ( does not contain such info. After some web searching I have found this website: I will include it in the description in order for people to find out more.

Forbidden History is a good and solid documentary, well done! It is good to hear that you are going to make another video. I will gladly promote it on my website. So, I would like to hear it when you have finished the new video.

Thanks again for your e-mail and may the Lord bless you and your work as well,
Jurgen Hofmann


Sat. Nov. 02 17:04 2013

Hi Jurgen,

I will let you know when the next video comes out.

Anything that Restoring Genesis Ministries produces is free and can be copied and reposted as long as it is copied and reposted for free. Also, the content of the videos should not be altered.

May the Lord also bless you and your efforts for His kingdom. Keep working on your website. It's going to be a great one.

Love in Christ,

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