Corona Related

Corona Related

Christ, not Caesar, Is Head of the Church

A Biblical Case for the Church’s Duty to Remain Open Christ is Lord of all. He is the one true head of the church (Ephesians 1:22; 5:23; Colossians 1:18). He is also King of kings—sovereign over every earthly authority (1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; 19:16). The Church should stand immovably on those biblical principles. As […]

And the Church Said Nothing…

Not a topic about apologetics this week. Something else got my attention. Last week I was reading the news items concerning my home country, the Netherlands. One article triggered my attention. It was an interview with a doctor about all the measures the government took and is still taking to prevent people from getting Corona. […]

Not a Virus, but a Weakened Immune System, is the Greatest Threat to Public Health

Several scientific studies have now shown that immunity after a natural infection gives a better protection than immunity after Covid-19-vaccination. Natural immunity may well be necessary to build up full protection in the population, writes immunologist dr. Carla Peeters.a By now, the vulnerable and at-risk groups in most western countries have been vaccinated with one […]

Why They Don’t Want the Vaccine

#1 INTRODUCTION #1 introduction – description I have been listening to the discussion about the Covid-19 vaccine. It has almost become a religious debate. My biggest concern is the total misunderstanding of the stance of the so-called refusers. In the media, on the streets, among the politicians, and among worried people, there seems to be […]

Is the Church Losing Her Credibility?

Yes, you heard it right. I am worried about the credibility of the church and with that the message the churches ought to preach. Before I continue, I would like to say that when I talk about Christians and the church I tend to talk about ‘we’ and ‘us’. This is because I believe that […]

Dealing with corona

Dealing With Corona

To be clear, I am Dutch. Some things I say may not be applicable for those living outside the Netherlands… Or maybe, it does. Anyway. Christians, like all other people in the Netherlands, are affected by the Covid-Sars2 virus. How do we deal with it? Are we going to get caught up in the panic […]

The Corona crisis was expected, but nothing was done.

NOTE: This article was written in March 2020. Some data (e.g. the mortality rate) or adjusted since then. I like to refer to my own video from September 2020 about this topic: Is the Church Losing Her Credibility? By Peter Borger (21-03-2020) It was common knowledge that some strain of Corona virus—sooner or later—was going […]

Romans 13 — Introduction

Part 1 – Introduction Part 2 – History Part 3 – What is doesn’t say Part 4 – Possible meaning Part 5 – What I think it means Part 6 – What to do with it? Introduction to Romans 13:1-7 SCROLL down to see all episodes In my last video, I asked you what I […]

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