Posts Tagged / CSE-104

CSE-104 Class 10 Notes

Bible Codes Chuck Missler wrote a book that has excellent work on the topic. Bible in Hebrew contains codes that can not be explained as accidental. Put all the Hebrew letters in a computer without punctuation and do a search for Hitler. Every 22 letters gave Hitler. Every 13 letters gave "The bitter sea of […]

CSE-104 Class 9 Notes

Let there be light. Hebrew or - light ma'or - light source High frequency sound can create light in water - God's voice. 24 hour day is one spin of the earth. If sun was gone we would still have a 24 hour day. Since God is light he can make light without a source. […]

CSE-104 Class 8 Notes

Fresh dinosaur bones. Now there is a real controversy on weather it is a heart or not. How could anything survive a change from a 3 chambered to a 4 chambered heart? Why are there so few human fossils found? Book - Bones of Contention There have been 4000 human remains found. Trillions of fish […]

CSE-104 Class 7 Notes

Why did God use a flood? Why not just kill all the bad people? Flood leaves evidence. Miracles do not. Effects of the flood still are around to remind us. Looking at fossils should remind us of death and suffering and that God hates sin. Satan has twisted this to make people think of evolution. […]

CSE-104 Class 6 Notes

Separation of church and state The Bible and creation can be taught in public schools. There has never been a law against it. You can not try to proselytize or convert a student to your faith while being paid by the state. You can talk about and read the bible. Government has no jurisdiction over […]

CSE-104 Class 5 Notes

Genesis 8:1 [1] And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged; Natural gas, coal, oil formed in the flood Coal found at south pole Asswaged - drop down - not […]

CSE-104 Class 4 Notes

Oceans would be smaller for a few hundred years after the flood. English channel only 30 ft deep. Alaska and Russia land bridge Continents all connected if oceans lower because of continental shelf. Cuba and Florida would be connected. Between Boston and New York - Hudson Canyon under water Large spill way that could not […]

CSE-104 Class 3 Notes

Turbidity currents, mudslides, run outs can go incredible distances. Moving water sorts by density and size and other factors. Vernal Utah, huge dinosaur fossil grave yard. San Jacinto monument in Texas was carved out of huge stone blocks that are full of fossils. In Belgium 1978 Iguanodon skeletons found. Iguanadon was the first dinosaur fossils […]

CSE-104 Class 2 Notes

The Hovind Theory 1. Noah and the animals were safely in the ark and God closed the door 2. -300 degree below zero ice meteor began to break apart as it entered the solar system leaving ice rings around several planets and causing uneven craters on the moon and other planets. 3. Ice meteor hit […]

CSE-104 Class 1 Notes

Ice Age Ice came down as far as Kansas City, MO They say there was 4 ice ages. Ice pushes against rocks and when it melts it leaves behind a huge pile of rocks called moraines. Rocks in front of glaciers make terminal moraines. Terminal = stopped Eventually hills of rocks get covered by dirt […]

Creation Science Classes 104 – Dr. Kent Hovind

This course covers Part 6 and Part 7 of the Creation Seminar Series. The Hovind Theory blends Scripture and scientific observation to provide a fascinating explanation of the Flood, the Ice Age, and the formation of coal, mountain ranges, and the Grand Canyon. This course also covers the frequently asked questions that Dr. Hovind has […]