FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about ChristianityThis is an important page on this website! An apologist is a person who defends his faith, and it needs no explanation about the importance of this fact. Most apologists are likely people who like to read books, follow lectures, or gather information differently. If this information contributes to the arsenal of a defender of the faith, we can talk about genuine apologetical information. The aim of this page is to contribute to this need of information.

Subjects: Scroll to see the whole list.

All posts in the category ‘FAQs’

Is the Rapture Imminent? the opinions are divided

Is the Rapture Imminent?

The opinions are divided The idea of the rapture of the church keeps us busy, right? At least it keeps me busy! Especially now that we see all the developments around Israel, this topic becomes very relevant for many Christians. Are we in a march towards the one world order as we can read in […]

Why are Christians not Bolder?

Why are Christians not Bolder?

Many Christians yearn for the boldness we read about in early church. Many of us listen with admiration to the stories of missionaries and evangelists. Who does not know the books of Anne van der Bijl, or brother Andrew for the English folk among us, and Corrie ten Boom? At the same time, we realise […]

The Atheistic World is Gonna be Glorious

The Atheistic World is Gonna be Glorious

And that is exactly what we have been hearing for years from the atheist world. The world would be a better place if we could jettison those weird religious ideas. It’s a bit how Jordan Peterson put it. Atheists seem to think that if we rid the world of the superstitions of the past, we […]

Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary?

Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary?

‘Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.’ This quote is attributed to Francis of Assisi. But yes, as is often the case with quotations, this is not true according to Assisi connoisseurs. Nor does it really matter who said it, the fact remains that this statement has become almost a lofty principle […]

🇬🇧 CONSPIRACIES — Don't we have Anything Better to do?

Conspiracies – Don’t we have Anything beter to do?

Conspiracies. We’re busy at it! And let’s face it, we’re good at it! So just a few theories: The moon landing was staged; the earth is flat, and they don’t want us to know it; the construction of the temple is all prepared; big pharma controls all medical research; the Covid jab was meant to […]

🇬🇧 Is it Child-Abuse to Teach Religion to Your Child?

Is Religious Upbringing like Child-Abuse?

We have been blessed with five children. All five we have brought up with the Christian faith as our guiding principle. They don’t know any better or daddy preaches Gospel to everybody and everyone else. Three of them have been baptised. Entirely on their own initiative, by the way. But yes, if some people are […]

THE RAPTURE [Dangerous Ideas Emerging in the Church of Christ]

The Rapture

Dangerous Ideas in the Church of Christ Introduction Many dear brothers and sisters I know believe in the rapture before the great tribulation or pre-trib rapture as they call it. The main text used for this comes from 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with […]

How to evangelise - apologeet

Evangelising … How Then?

You’ve probably heard the following two comments: “I’m not much of an evangelist …” and “Evangelism isn’t really my thing.” Maybe you are that person who has also said this at times. And, it still gnaws at you! After all, we have received the command plain and clear in Matthew 28:19-20a Go ye therefore, and […]

Why do Christians Bother Others with their Faith?! Are they power-hungry?

Why do Christians Bother Others with their Faith?!

I have sometimes wondered why atheists bother others with their atheism. Well, I kind of received that answer a long time ago. But here is the counter question asked by some atheists. Why do Christians bother others with their faith? Why do Christians seek to rule over others with their religious ideas? This question is […]

Islamic Ideology

I am not a Big Fan of Islam

Before I came to faith, I really did take a critical look at other religions. Later, when I was already a Christian, I studied Islam over and over again. My conclusion? I am not exactly a huge fan of this religion. But that is too short and some might think I would dislike the people […]

Did Paul invent Christianity?

Introduction I recently received a comment on one of my posts on my website. The person wasn’t really polite towards me because apparently I am completely brainwashed with complete loss of self-identity and therefore critical thinking. Not only that but I am also in a psychosis, totally trapped in a delusional system. Don’t you just […]

5 Bible Passages That Made her Lose her Faith

5 Bible Passages that Caused her to Lose her Faith

Romans 9:14-24 Did God created people to go to hell? Firstly, this is an important issue which demands an answer. The letter to the Romans is considered by many to be the most influential letter of Paul’s writings. Up till today it is still deemed to be the most doctrinal Epistle of the New Testament. […]

5 Questions Every Christian Should Learn How to Answer

5 Questions Every Christian Should Learn How to Answer

1. Have the New Testament documents not been corrupted? True enough, we hadn’t had the possibility to copy and paste the documents back then. So, all the documents had to be copied by hand, which was a tedious job. On top of that, we do not have the original documents, as written by the apostles […]

Apostasy in Church part 2

Apostasy in Church – 2

Part 2 – The Signs of Apostasy You might have heard this word before: Apostasy. It’s basic meaning is to fall away from the truth. It is a kind of rejection even though someone knows the truth. Therefore, an apostate is someone who has once believed and then rejected the truth of God. In the […]

Apostasy, what you need to know

Apostasy in Church

Part 1 – What makes an apostate? You might have heard this word before: Apostasy. It’s basic meaning is to fall away from the truth. It is a kind of rejection even though someone knows the truth. I am talking about the truth of the Gospel of course. Therefore, an apostate is someone who has […]

why will they persecute you

Why they Persecute you?

Persecution, you know? I don’t really like this word. Not that I deny that there is persecution in this world. No, more because many of us use this word in the most inappropriate situations. Let’s be honest here. Many of us who can afford to watch this video or reading this article experience no real […]

Do I Have the Holy Spirit?

Do I have the Holy Spirit?

Have you ever wondered whether the Holy Spirit lives in you or not? I know I have! When I became a Christian the whole concept of the Holy Spirit was baffling to me. Well willing Christians tried to explain it to me, and they came with all sorts of terms: Baptism in the Spirit; receiving […]

What Not to Say to an Atheist

or, How not to Debate an Atheist What not to say to an atheist or how not to debate an atheist. Two different approaches to the same topic in my opinion. First of all, let me say this: I do not like to debate with atheists, sceptics or any other who says they don’t believe […]

Epicurean Paradox

Epicurean Paradox

The Problem of Evil The Epicurean paradox is very often used as a tool to deny or at least too seed doubts about the existence of a God. Now, I am very luck to have my own atheistic and sceptical followers on my video channels. I mean, some would even say that a self-respecting apologist […]

The God Delusion #5

#5 God Must be Horrible: Sadomasochistic, Capriciously Malevolent Bully Skip the introduction ↵ ↵ I believe it was 2006 that Mr Dawkins published his book, the God Delusion. I have never paid to much attention to his writings simply because I thought the hype would die a fast and silent death. His book isn’t, what […]

The God Delusion #4

#4 God Must be Horrible: Pestilential & Megalomaniacal Skip the introduction ↵ ↵ I believe it was 2006 that Mr Dawkins published his book, the God Delusion. I have never paid to much attention to his writings simply because I thought the hype would die a fast and silent death. His book isn’t, what you […]

The God Delusion part 3

The God Delusion #3

#3 Homophobic, Racist, Infanticidal, Genocidal, Filicidal Skip the introduction ↵ ↵ I believe it was 2006 that Mr Dawkins published his book, the God Delusion. I have never paid to much attention to his writings simply because I thought the hype would die a fast and silent death. His book isn’t, what you would call, […]

the God delusion part 2

The God Delusion #2

#2 God Must be Horrible: Vindictive, Bloodthirsty Ethnic Cleanser, Misogynistic Skip the introduction ↵ ↵ I believe it was 2006 that Mr Dawkins published his book, the God Delusion. I have never paid to much attention to his writings simply because I thought the hype would die a fast and silent death. His book isn’t, […]

The God Delusion part 1

The God Delusion #1

#1 God Must be Horrible: Jealous, Petty, Unjust, Unforgiving, Control-freak Skip the introduction ↵ ↵ I believe it was 2006 that Mr Dawkins published his book, the God Delusion. I have never paid to much attention to his writings simply because I thought the hype would die a fast and silent death. His book isn’t, […]

Divine war in the bible, genocide?

‘Divine War’ in the Old Testament

Utterly Destroyed Intro I have touched on this subject, differently, several times before. Divine war is a confusing subject. How can a God of love command His people to kill others? How can this be seen as ‘divine’ while it more or less looks like genocide. First things First Before we discuss the topic we […]

What is a man? LGBTI+

What is a Man?

My daughter came up with a new documentary by Matt Walsh named: What is a woman? Living on Madagascar has its benefits when it comes to these issues. Here, a woman is a woman and a man is a man… Not many Malagasy understand the question anyway. Yes, there are man who are more feminine […]

why do we need apologetics?

Why do we Need Apologetics?

[Part 1] Go to part two In the last video I already touched on one aspect of the importance of apologetics. I know, I am a bit strange. On the one hand I say that I will not use it, to much, in online debates. But on the other hand I believe it is very […]

Natural Order of Things

Nortega came up a good topic. He said: If you can, would you mind explaining why we should use our (bodily or spiritual) capacities for the ends to which they are ordered? […] To my knowledge, the notion of ‘ordered’ in the sense in which I am using it derives from Thomistic and (originally) Aristotelian […]

Refuting Deism… (is it beneficial?)

A bit overdue but, better late than never. Last year, Brett send me a question about Deism. He said: In the Deistic model, a world with a God or a world without a God look the exact same. If God is a non-interventionist [in other words: When God is not intervening with the world], then […]

What About Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel?

As missionary among the un-reached Antanala-people of Madagascar, I have heard this question a million times… Well, maybe not a million but many times. Mostly these questions are hidden in presuppositions. Among Christians some think that nobody will be saved, except those who’ve heard and believed the Gospel. While others, say that there are people […]

Eight Reasons why people won’t accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ

One question that keeps popping up is that of why people won’t accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ.So, what than are the reasons people don’t accept the Gospel? The reasons can be all sorts of things such as religious traditions, peer pressure within the family or within friendships, the work of Satan, or even doubting […]

Not a Virus, but a Weakened Immune System, is the Greatest Threat to Public Health

Several scientific studies have now shown that immunity after a natural infection gives a better protection than immunity after Covid-19-vaccination. Natural immunity may well be necessary to build up full protection in the population, writes immunologist dr. Carla Peeters.a By now, the vulnerable and at-risk groups in most western countries have been vaccinated with one […]

What About Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel?

Part 4 – The Hard Questions Introduction This is part 4 of this series. Please watch the first three parts first to better understand this one. You’ll find the links in the description of this video. So, what actually will happen to those who never heard the Gospel? Where do they go when they die? […]

What About Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel?

Part 3 – Old Testament Introduction This is part 3 of this series. Please watch part one and two first because we build on those two videos in this part. You’ll find the links in the description of this video. As said, I work as missionary in the middle of nowhere on Madagascar, and I […]

What About Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel?

Part 2 – What is known to mankind? Introduction This is part 2 of this series. Please watch part one first because there we set out some basic truths on which we build on in this part. As said, I work as missionary in the middle of nowhere on Madagascar, and I have heard this […]

What About Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel?

Part 1 – Basic Truths As missionary among the un-reached Antanala-people of Madagascar, I have heard this question a million times… Well, maybe not a million but many times. Mostly these questions are hidden in presuppositions. Among Christians some think that nobody will be saved, except those who’ve heard and believed the Gospel. While others, […]

Why They Don’t Want the Vaccine

#1 INTRODUCTION #1 introduction – description I have been listening to the discussion about the Covid-19 vaccine. It has almost become a religious debate. My biggest concern is the total misunderstanding of the stance of the so-called refusers. In the media, on the streets, among the politicians, and among worried people, there seems to be […]

Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel

Conclusion – They have proven Boston’s points Intro The conclusion of why people won’t accept the Gospel: They have proven Boston’s points Introductory video The first video was an introduction to this series. And yes! Right away I made a mistake. Not a huge one, but I did misrepresent Calvinism by stating that Calvinism says […]

Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel

Reason 8 – They are not content with Christ but on terms of their own making Intro The eight reason of why people won’t accept the Gospel: They are not content with Christ but on terms of their own making Boston said: They are not content with Christ but on terms of their own making. […]

Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel

Reason 7 – They have no anxiety for the supply of their soul-wants Intro The seventh reason of why people won’t accept the Gospel: They have no anxiety for the supply of their soul-wants Boston said: They have no anxiety for the supply of their soul-wants. They want grace and holiness, but they can be […]

Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel

Reason 6 – They see not their own unworthiness of a Saviour’s help Intro The sixth reason of why people won’t accept the Gospel: They see not their own unworthiness of a Saviours help Boston said: They come to the market of grace with their money in their hand. They look on themselves as worthy […]

Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel

Reason 5 – They do not feel their need of Christ Intro The fifth reason of why people won’t accept the Gospel: They do not feel their need of Christ Boston said: Revelation 3:17 “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art […]

Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel

Reason 4 – ‘They are strangers to their utter inability to help themselves’ Intro The fourth reason of why people won’t accept the Gospel: They are strangers to their utter inability to help themselves Boston said: They are like Samson, in another case, who knew not that his strength was departed from him. We may […]

Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel

Reason 3 – They have no idea about ‘the clouds of wrath which are hanging over their heads’ Intro The third reason of why people won’t accept the Gospel: They have no idea about ‘the clouds of wrath which are hanging over their heads’. Boston said: Their eyes are veiled, so that they see not […]

Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel

Reason 2 – ‘Men have no true sight and sense of their own sinfulness.’ Intro Okay! We’re on a roll here! This is the second reason of why people won’t accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I’ve been pretty busy in the week after the introductory video about this series. I didn’t say much about […]

Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel

Reason 1 – ‘No Due Sense of Spiritual want.’ So here we go, this is part one of eight reasons why people won’t accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The first reason: ‘No due sense of spiritual want.’ And I do apologize for the noise in the background it started to rain here and you […]

Eight Reasons why people won’t accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Introduction I’ve been making 20 videos in which I tried to give simple answers on regular critical questions. I called this series the ‘silly Christian series’. Some, especially my kids, were wondering why I did that. One of them said that it is kind of offending to her. And she is quit right. I am […]

Silly Christian, How about Obesity?

Oh boy, this video is going to cost me some followers…. How about obesity? Or in other words, how about living an unhealthy lifestyle? Do we, as Christians, have anything to say about that? And if so, are there consequences for those who are mistreating their bodies? Nissan Patrol Well, before I dive into this […]

Silly Christian, isn’t God Against Capitalism?

Some words seem to carry an enormous load. Capitalism is such a word. Democracy is another one. In a previous video I already touched on democracy in the sense of freedom. In that video I also said that a Christian should promote freedom. Freedom of speech, religion and the freedom to have property. But now […]

Silly Christian, Does God even Bother About Our Carbon-footprint

Short Answer Short answer is yes! That is it, you can watch something else now. Bye! Longer Answer Not satisfying enough? Okay, there is a slightly longer answer as well. God is the Creator of all things and as such He is concerned with the world. We can read the creation account in the book […]

What is God Like?

Silly Christian, you can’t even explain who God is. I would love to explain to you what God is like… But, to do so would be of no value to anyone. All I can know and explain is what God revealed to us in the Bible. And that is what I will do! As I […]

Christianity is against freedom of speech… Right?

This accusation is a wide spread, and often celebrated argument against Christians. True enough, we have seen examples in the past where people were not allowed to believe or to say what they wanted. Blasphemy, criticism and disagreement within the ruling church was a perilous undertaking. However, before I continue I would like to quote […]

Christians are Anti-Vaxxers!

I have heard this accusation on the internet and it kind of intrigued me. This video is going to be a little longer than normal because I want to be a bit more precise in my explanation. Am I Anti-Vaxx? Am I an Anti-Vaxxer? Are Christians per definition Anti-Vaxx? For me personally I can answer […]

Scandals in Church

How much I would like to deny that things go wrong in church, I cannot do that. Church is a gathering of often a messy group of humans. People from all layers of society, people with their short comings, people who still drag their sin loving nature with them. However, Christians also believe that they […]

Christianity is just a Crutch for Weak People

This is what I thought about Christianity before I became a Christian. What a bunch of losers. They need an invisible friend, an invisible daddy to comfort them in this tough world! Now, when I look back at that time I only partially changed my mind. Let me explain what I mean. You see, you […]

Churches are Full of Hypocrites

Definition of hypocrite according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary: 1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings So I am sure there are many hypocrites in and outside the church. The Bible calls hypocrisy […]

Is the Church Losing Her Credibility?

Yes, you heard it right. I am worried about the credibility of the church and with that the message the churches ought to preach. Before I continue, I would like to say that when I talk about Christians and the church I tend to talk about ‘we’ and ‘us’. This is because I believe that […]

What is Sin Anyway?

Silly Christian, you always talk about sin! What is it anyway? Biblical Christianity boils down to this main theme: God created us, we rebelled against Him this rebellion separated us from God for ever we need to be saved from this rebellious state we cannot solve it by ourselves Jesus Christ stepped in and sacrificed […]

Religion Cause Wars

Silly Christian, the only thing religion does is cause wars! Actually you can not strictly say that this is the fault of religion. It is more accurate to say it is our sin that causes wars. In many cases it is about greed, lust, power, and tyranny. Even when a country goes to war to […]

Christians make Such a Fuss about Homosexuality!

O NO! What am I doing!! Am I really going to talk about this? That isn’t even silly… It is MADNESS! Nope, I am not a homophobe. Actually, I love people. I am, what you would call, a people person. But since this question or argument pops up so now and then, I thought to […]

Genocide in the Bible

The Bible is such an awful book! It even mentions genocide. You must be silly to say you follow that Book! Before we tackle this question I would like to point to my channel on LBRY. You’ll find the link in the description. LBRY does not censure or alter content and guarantees freedom of speech. […]

Moloch the Canaan diety

What about the Canaanite Genocide?

Atheist Richard Dawkins considers the war over Canaan to be one of the most morally atrocious aspects of the OT.1 In his book The God Delusion, he writes, The Bible story of Joshua’s destruction of Jericho, and the invasion of the Promised Land in general, is morally indistinguishable from Hitler’s invasion of Poland, or Saddam […]

The Bible is Written Years After the Actual Events

Silly Christian! Why do you trust the sources of the New Testament? They have been written many years after the actual event! Introduction Good, let’s start with Luke’s words when he starts his account — I will read to you from the Good News Bible Translation, just because the language of this translation is a […]

Doesn’t the Bible Contradict Itself?

The Bible is full of contradictions, right? Still, those silly Christians believe this not to be a problem! Introduction I became a Christian around 1995 and have studied the Bible ever since. To say that I never found one strange thing would be a lie. Sometimes I read stuff I didn’t understand or things that […]

Dealing with corona

Dealing With Corona

To be clear, I am Dutch. Some things I say may not be applicable for those living outside the Netherlands… Or maybe, it does. Anyway. Christians, like all other people in the Netherlands, are affected by the Covid-Sars2 virus. How do we deal with it? Are we going to get caught up in the panic […]

Why Do You Believe the Bible?

Silly Christian, why do you believe what the bible says? It is ancient! Introduction to the Bible Yes, the Bible is ancient! So much is true. Actually the Bible is a collection of sixty-six books divided over two sections. By the year 90BC, 39 books had already been included in the Old Testament. The Old […]

If God is a God of Love how can He Judge too?

Questioner: You say that God is love right? Jurgen: Yes. Questioner: But God will judge as well, right? Jurgen: Yes, of course! Questioner: Silly Christian, if God is a God of love how can he judge too? The two, judgement and love, are actually connected. Judgement proves God’s love. Many of us are thinking about […]

How About Other Religions

One of the most basic claims of Christianity is that Jesus is the only way for salvation. Silly Christians! There are hundreds of religions, why should yours be different? I think I am going to disappoint you with my answer. The question actually says that there are many religions. But whenever I study a new […]

How do You Know that There is a God?

Christians say that there is a God. So tell me silly Christian, how do you know that? Basically the answer is very simple. Christians believe that God revealed Himself to us in different ways. Nature One way he did that was through nature. The apostle Paul said the following in Romans 1: 19-20 since what […]

Who Made God?

Silly Christian! Tell me.The famous Kalam cosmological argument says this: Whatever begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore, the universe has a cause.Then you Christians say that the cause must be God. So, tell me: Who made God? Here we go! You’re right. If we only take the first three […]

Silly Christian Series

Silly Christen series #001 Who Made God? #002 How do you know that there is a God #003 How About Other Religions? #004 If God is a God of Love How can He judge? #005 Why believe the Bible? #006 The Bible Contradictions #007 The Bible is Written Years After the Actual Events #008 Genocide […]

The Corona crisis was expected, but nothing was done.

NOTE: This article was written in March 2020. Some data (e.g. the mortality rate) or adjusted since then. I like to refer to my own video from September 2020 about this topic: Is the Church Losing Her Credibility? By Peter Borger (21-03-2020) It was common knowledge that some strain of Corona virus—sooner or later—was going […]

Free Will

If God is all knowing, He would have known that humans would sin. So why did He create them? Two counter questions: Before you were born, your parents knew that you would disobey them and be bad from time to time. Still, they desired to have you. Before you got married you must have known […]


Opmerking: Om de pagina (zichtbaar) af te drukken dient u de printfunctie op de pagina zelf te gebruiken. De functie is herkenbaar aan dit icoontje: Contradictions in the Bible? Every now and then people say that there are contradictions in the Bible. These ‘inaccuracies’ are quite often used to argue that the Bible can’t be […]

Religion, War & Violence

Is Religion the Main Cause of War and Violence?   Some state that religion is the main cause of war and violence. Faith is the root of all wars throughout history. This has almost become a mantra for many atheists and secular humanists. Known atheistic writers, like Harris, make sure that this thought becomes embedded […]

Tongues a Good Sign?

Are Tongues a Good Sign? 1 Corinthians 14:20-25   “20 Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men. 21 In the law it is written, With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people; and yet for all that will they […]

Why Mission Matters?

Seen From a Secular Viewpoint1 Introduction A commonly heard statement against missionary work is to leave people alone: do not spoil their culture and belief systems. One should not bother people groups with alien belief systems. This argument is understandable because many appreciate the diversity of cultures around the world. Rightly so, it is one […]

Death Penalty

Should we promote the death penalty? Before we answer the question we will have to look at the way the Bible treats this topic. There are several examples to be found in the Old Testament. For this article we will use two cases in which death was required: During the conquest of Canaan and in […]

Killing for God

Would you kill someone if God asked you to? I found the image on the right somewhere on the internet. Just read it for a moment. What kind of answer can a Christian give? This seems harder than it actually is. The answer Would you kill someone if God (YHWH) asked you to? The only […]

Alle wetenschappers?

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact Apologeet.nl. It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations Related Articles: Free Will If […]

Geloof en wetenschap

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact Apologeet.nl. It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations Related Articles: Why Do You […]

Dieren migratie

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact Apologeet.nl. It might well be that somebody is already working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations Related Articles: Drie dagen en drie […]

Vervulde profetieën in de Bijbel

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact Apologeet.nl. It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations Related Articles: Why Do You […]

Een te grote steen

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact Apologeet.nl. It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations Related Articles: More than a […]

Drie dagen en drie nachten

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact Apologeet.nl. It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations Related Articles: Geloof en wetenschap […]

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

This is an important page on this website! An apologist is a person who defends his faith, and it needs no explanation about the importance of this fact. Most apologists are likely people who like to read books, follow lectures, or gather information differently. If this information contributes to the arsenal of a defender of […]

More than a Good Man?

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact Apologeet.nl. It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations Related Articles: What is a […]

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