

life Life is a precious gift of God. Although one will not find the term ‘abortion’ in the Bible, Scripture has definitely a stance on the practise of abortion.

Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knows us before He forms us in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation in the womb. Exodus 21:22-25 prescribes the same penalty—death—for someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as for someone who commits murder. This clearly indicates that God considers a baby in the womb to be as human as a full-grown adult. For the Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6).

In summarise the standpoint of Apologeet can be read in this essay.

Below you will find several informative films on abortion. It is however, appropriate to warn you. Images in some films can be experienced as extremely shocking and are as such not suitable for young and/or easily upset people!

Premature Born Girl

Video Information

Amazing! Baby born prematurely at 26 weeks, defies the odds!

On January 24, 2016, Tru Wende Beare was born 14 weeks premature at 26 weeks gestation. The tiny baby girl weighed just one pound and had a mountain of obstacles to overcome.

Read more:

Youtube channel Baby Tru:

Training for Pro-Life:

Apologeet's stance on Human life:

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1,200 Abortions

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Doctor Who Did 1,200 Abortions Tells Congress to Ban Them

Images in this film can be experienced as extremely shocking.
Not suitable for young and/or easily upset people!

Doctor Who Did 1,200 Abortions Tells Congress to Ban Them.

Channel description:
"Live Action uses new media to teach the public about the humanity of the pre-born and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenceless. Utilizing undercover investigations, Live Action has documented rampant sexual abuse cover-up, racism, medical misinformation, the willingness to assist sex traffickers, false statements made by Planned Parenthood executives, sex-selective abortion, and infanticide. Live Action’s exposés publicize these abuses, so the whole world can see the horrors going on right in our backyards – and paid for with our tax money."

See also this essay on the the sacredness of life::

'Pro-life Action League' fights for children's fundamental human rights:
Pro-life Action League website

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Levatino testifies

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Dr Levatino testifies before congress using evidence from Live Action investigation

Images in this film can be experienced as extremely shocking.
Not suitable for young and/or easily upset people!

Dr Levatino testifies before congress using evidence from Live Action investigation.

Channel description:
"Live Action uses new media to teach the public about the humanity of the pre-born and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenceless. Utilizing undercover investigations, Live Action has documented rampant sexual abuse cover-up, racism, medical misinformation, the willingness to assist sex traffickers, false statements made by Planned Parenthood executives, sex-selective abortion, and infanticide. Live Action’s exposés publicize these abuses, so the whole world can see the horrors going on right in our backyards – and paid for with our tax money."

See also this essay on the the sacredness of life::

'Pro-life Action League' fights for children's fundamental human rights:
Pro-life Action League website

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Procedure of Abortion

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Levatino Schools the Congres on the Procedure of Abortion

Images in this film can be experienced as extremely shocking.
Not suitable for young and/or easily upset people!

Dr Levatino schools the Congress on the Procedure of Abortion in 2 Minutes.

Dr. Antony Levatino testifies at a House Judiciary Committee hearing about Planned Parenthood's medical procedures. Planned Parenthood has been under fire after videos were released showing how the mega abortion provider sold fetal tissue to researchers. Dr. Levatino gave this expert testimony in 2015.

See also this essay on the the sacredness of life:

'Pro-life Action League' fights for children's fundamental human rights:
Pro-life Action League website

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Training Video

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Pro-Choice or Pro-life: A Training Video by Scott Klusendorf

Images in this film can be experienced as extremely shocking.
Not suitable for young and/or easily upset people!

Fantastic Scott Klusendorf Pro-Life Training Video

See also this essay on the the sacredness of life:

This is a playlist consisting of four parts.

'Pro-life Action League' fights for children's fundamental human rights:
Pro-life Action League website

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2nd Trim. Abortion

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Images in this film can be experienced as extremely shocking.
Not suitable for young and/or easily upset people!

2nd Trimester Abortion Procedure - Dr. Anthony Levatino (Former Abortionist becomes Pro-Life).

In this video, Dr. Anthony Levatino describes how he used to perform 2nd Trimester abortions. He has performed over 1,200 abortions in his career. He doesn't do them any more and is now pro-life.

Suggested reading

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180 - The Movie

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Images in this film can be experienced as extremely shocking.
Not suitable for young and/or easily upset people!

Ray Comfort is a catalyst for change in North America. He is willing to do what most pastors and Christians in leadership roles are not, stand for truth. Back in the Day preachers used to be outcryers against evil. Today, preachers, pastors, leaders, don't want to offend people. Jesus said to us, “whoa to you when people speak good of you”. That's not a good thing. Instead of doing what the Bible has commanded, we've done what society has commanded and lowered our voice.

I believe the 180 movie is a catalyst to bring change in North America. Every Christian, Leader, or Pastor should watch the 180 movie.

'Pro-life Action League' fights for children's fundamental human rights:
Pro-life Action League website

Official site


John Piper endorses

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Choose life

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Pro-life promotion video.

'Pro-life Action League' fights for children's fundamental human rights:
Pro-life Action League website

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Eclipse of reason

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Eclipse of reason - Live Abortion Documentary

Images in this film can be experienced as extremely shocking.
Not suitable for young and/or easily upset people!

Introduced by Charlton Heston, Academy Award-winning actor and conscientious citizen who is well-known for taking an active role in community and film industry affairs. He urges the news media, which he charges with failing badly to inform the public on the abortion issue, to honestly consider and then address the information presented by the film ECLIPSE OF REASON in order to promote a better informed public.

Choice after all is meaningless unless the chooser has a grasp of all the facts.

This film was produced by Bernard Nathanson, one-time abortionist and leader of the nascent pro-choice movement, and documents the intra-uterine life of a little boy at 5 months of age as seen through a fetoscope - a camera placed inside the pregnant uterus. Riveting images of a late abortion are then shown with a camera both inside and outside the uterus. Consistently verifiable statistics emphasize that this horror, killing a child at this stage of development and beyond, takes place 400 times a day in the United States.

In addition, there are deeply moving interviews with the other victims of abortion: women who have been irreparably injured by abortion - both physically and emotionally.

'Pro-life Action League' fights for children's fundamental human rights:
Pro-life Action League website

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The Silent Scream

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The Silent Scream Abortion as Infanticide

Images in this film can be experienced as extremely shocking.
Not suitable for young and/or easily upset people!

##### HELP NEEDED! ##### I have included four subtitle (English, Dutch, German and French). However, they are not very accurate. The subtitles have been automatically generated thus need to be checked. Please help us to spread the truth about abortion is as many languages as possible! Read here how to do it:


Dr. Bernard Nathanson's classic video that shocked the world. He explains the procedure of a suction abortion, followed by an actual first trimester abortion as seen through ultrasound. The viewer can see the child's pathetic attempts to escape the suction curette as her heart rate doubles, and a "silent scream" as her body is torn apart. A great tool to help people see why abortion is murder. The most important video on abortion ever made. This video changed opinion on abortion to many people.

Introduction by Dr. Bernard Nathanson, host. Describes the technology of ultrasound and how, for the first time ever, we can actually see inside the womb. Dr. Nathanson further describes the ultrasound technique and shows examples of babies in the womb. Three-dimensional depiction of the developing fetus, from 4 weeks through 28 weeks. Display and usage of the abortionists' tools, plus video of an abortionist performing a suction abortion. Dr. Nathanson discusses the abortionist who agreed to allow this abortion to be filmed with ultrasound.

The abortionist was quite skilled, having performed more than 10,000 abortions. We discover that the resulting ultrasound of his abortion so appalled him that he never again performed another abortion. The clip begins with an ultrasound of the foetus (girl) who is about to be aborted. The girl is moving in the womb; displays a heartbeat of 140 per minute; and is at times sucking her thumb. As the abortionist's suction tip begins to invade the womb, the child rears and moves violently in an attempt to avoid the instrument. Her mouth is visibly open in a "silent scream." The child's heart rate speeds up dramatically (to 200 beats per minute) as she senses aggression. She moves violently away in a pathetic attempt to escape the instrument. The abortionist's suction tip begins to rip the baby's limbs from its body, ultimately leaving only her head in the uterus (too large to be pulled from the uterus in one piece). The abortionist attempts to crush her head with his forceps, allowing it to be removed.

In an effort to "dehumanize" the procedure, the abortionist and anaesthesiologist refer to the baby's head as "number 1." The abortionist crushes "number 1" with the forceps and removes it from the uterus. Abortion statistics are revealed, as well as who benefits from the enormously lucrative industry that has developed. Clinics are now franchised, and there is ample evidence that many are controlled by organized crime. Women are victims, too. They haven't been told about the true nature of the unborn child or the facts about abortion procedures. Their wombs have been perforated, infected, destroyed, and sterilized. All as a result of an operation about which they have had no true knowledge.

Films like this must be made part of "informed consent." NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) and Planned Parenthood are accused of a conspiracy of silence, of keeping women in the dark about the reality of abortion.

Finally, Dr. Nathanson discusses his credentials. He is a former abortionist, having been the director of the largest clinic in the Western world.

'Pro-life Action League' fights for children's fundamental human rights:
Pro-life Action League website

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Planned Parenthood

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Atrocities at Planned Parenthood

Images in this film can be experienced as extremely shocking.
Not suitable for young and/or easily upset people!

Live Action has been conducting multi-state investigations of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry since 2007. These investigations and subsequent public education campaigns have revealed malfeasance, lawlessness, and contempt for human life and safety at all levels of the organization, from the local counsellors and nurses all the way up to the CEO’s desk.

The Centre for Medical Progress is a group of citizen journalists dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances. We are concerned about contemporary bio-ethical issues that impact human dignity, and we oppose any interventions, procedures, and experiments that exploit the unequal legal status of any class of human beings. We envision a world in which medical practice and biotechnology ally with and serve the goods of human nature and do not destroy, disfigure, or work against them.

This is a playlist with the following content:

  1. Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts
  2. Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods
  3. Lila Rose discusses Planned Parenthood's baby parts scandal on Hannity
  4. Planned Parenthood caught lying again
  5. David Daleiden on Hannity to Discuss Planned Parenthood's Sale of Baby Parts
  6. Margaret Sanger FULL INTERVIEW w Mike Wallace Planned Parenthood Founder

'Pro-life Action League' fights for children's fundamental human rights:
Pro-life Action League website

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