The Atheistic World is Gonna be Glorious
Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary?
‘Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.’ This quote is attributed to Francis of Assisi. But yes, as is often the case with quotations, this is not true according to Assisi connoisseurs. Nor does it really matter who said it, the fact remains that this statement has become almost a lofty principle […]
Is Religious Upbringing like Child-Abuse?
We have been blessed with five children. All five we have brought up with the Christian faith as our guiding principle. They don’t know any better or daddy preaches Gospel to everybody and everyone else. Three of them have been baptised. Entirely on their own initiative, by the way. But yes, if some people are […]
Generation Z and the Gospel
We have all heard about the ‘millennials.’ This generation was born between 1984 and 1998. But what about the generation right behind them? Generation Z, born between 1999 and 2015. I myself have 4 children from this generation, 5 if you count my youngest (who was born in July 2015). This generation is starting high […]
Evangelising … How Then?
You’ve probably heard the following two comments: “I’m not much of an evangelist …” and “Evangelism isn’t really my thing.” Maybe you are that person who has also said this at times. And, it still gnaws at you! After all, we have received the command plain and clear in Matthew 28:19-20a Go ye therefore, and […]
Why do Christians Bother Others with their Faith?!
I have sometimes wondered why atheists bother others with their atheism. Well, I kind of received that answer a long time ago. But here is the counter question asked by some atheists. Why do Christians bother others with their faith? Why do Christians seek to rule over others with their religious ideas? This question is […]
Don’t use those Left-winged Words
Despite living on Madagascar, the new developments in the West have not escaped my attention. What strikes me, and annoys me, is that many words are being redefined. This happens mainly because of the left-liberal movements we see popping up every where in western countries. For a Christian, words and their definitions are very important. […]
I am not a Big Fan of Islam
95 theses by reformed pastor D.J. Budding
Jan van Meerten is the driving force behind the website Fundamentum ( Jan’s work goes far beyond his website. He has always been very active in all kinds of study days and conferences. It is thanks to Jan that I get informed, on a regulart basis, about what is going on in the more Reformed […]
5 Bible Passages that Caused her to Lose her Faith
Romans 9:14-24 Did God created people to go to hell? Firstly, this is an important issue which demands an answer. The letter to the Romans is considered by many to be the most influential letter of Paul’s writings. Up till today it is still deemed to be the most doctrinal Epistle of the New Testament. […]
5 Questions Every Christian Should Learn How to Answer
1. Have the New Testament documents not been corrupted? True enough, we hadn’t had the possibility to copy and paste the documents back then. So, all the documents had to be copied by hand, which was a tedious job. On top of that, we do not have the original documents, as written by the apostles […]
Apostasy in Church – 2
Apostasy in Church
Real Masculinity – Patriarchy
Respect Is Attractive: Women and Early Christianity
Article reposted with permission from ‘The Jesus Fandom’ Original can be found here and posted on 10 April 2023. Translated by Jurgen Hofmann. Introduction Globally, women are more religious than men. They see their faith as more important, tend to pray daily and attend church more than men. This is well reflected in church practice: […]
Real Masculinity – Virtue
Last month I received a question through my website about universalism, and whether I could say a thing or two about it. Universalism (Greek: apokastastasis) states that sooner or later all people will be saved for eternity. This position holds that the concepts of hell and punishment are inconsistent with a loving God. Early Church […]
The ‘Woke-Christian’
We hear a lot about the ‘woke’ movement. Everywhere you come you’ll meet people who refer to themselves as being ‘woke.’ In the supermarkets, on our universities, in the big companies, and even within some churches. What is this idea of being ‘woke’ anyway, and why do some Christians embrace this idea? Definition of the […]
Biblical Diversity
Unity or Diversity… or Both? Last week we’ve had the annual conference with all the Missionaries from our organisation on Madagascar. My wife and I helped organising the week and that is nice because we get to plan when we have breaks and what kind of programme we have. We don’t really like the kind […]
Epicurean Paradox
The God Delusion #5
#5 God Must be Horrible: Sadomasochistic, Capriciously Malevolent Bully Skip the introduction ↵ ↵ I believe it was 2006 that Mr Dawkins published his book, the God Delusion. I have never paid to much attention to his writings simply because I thought the hype would die a fast and silent death. His book isn’t, what […]
The God Delusion #4
#4 God Must be Horrible: Pestilential & Megalomaniacal Skip the introduction ↵ ↵ I believe it was 2006 that Mr Dawkins published his book, the God Delusion. I have never paid to much attention to his writings simply because I thought the hype would die a fast and silent death. His book isn’t, what you […]
The God Delusion #3
#3 Homophobic, Racist, Infanticidal, Genocidal, Filicidal Skip the introduction ↵ ↵ I believe it was 2006 that Mr Dawkins published his book, the God Delusion. I have never paid to much attention to his writings simply because I thought the hype would die a fast and silent death. His book isn’t, what you would call, […]
The God Delusion #2
#2 God Must be Horrible: Vindictive, Bloodthirsty Ethnic Cleanser, Misogynistic Skip the introduction ↵ ↵ I believe it was 2006 that Mr Dawkins published his book, the God Delusion. I have never paid to much attention to his writings simply because I thought the hype would die a fast and silent death. His book isn’t, […]
The God Delusion #1
#1 God Must be Horrible: Jealous, Petty, Unjust, Unforgiving, Control-freak Skip the introduction ↵ ↵ I believe it was 2006 that Mr Dawkins published his book, the God Delusion. I have never paid to much attention to his writings simply because I thought the hype would die a fast and silent death. His book isn’t, […]
Are They Shaming and Naming Your Kids?
How not to Raise your Kids
What is a Man?
Natural Order of Things
Nortega came up a good topic. He said: If you can, would you mind explaining why we should use our (bodily or spiritual) capacities for the ends to which they are ordered? […] To my knowledge, the notion of ‘ordered’ in the sense in which I am using it derives from Thomistic and (originally) Aristotelian […]
Christian Stance on Abortion
Nederlands In this series, we will discuss the Christian Stance on abortion. Many Christians are mute on this topic. This is unfortunate and unnecessary because there are good theological and reasonable arguments to take a firm stand in this debate. In this first part, I’ll lay out the lines along I would like to tackle […]
Christ, not Caesar, Is Head of the Church
A Biblical Case for the Church’s Duty to Remain Open Christ is Lord of all. He is the one true head of the church (Ephesians 1:22; 5:23; Colossians 1:18). He is also King of kings—sovereign over every earthly authority (1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; 19:16). The Church should stand immovably on those biblical principles. As […]
And the Church Said Nothing…
Not a topic about apologetics this week. Something else got my attention. Last week I was reading the news items concerning my home country, the Netherlands. One article triggered my attention. It was an interview with a doctor about all the measures the government took and is still taking to prevent people from getting Corona. […]
Eight Reasons why people won’t accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ
One question that keeps popping up is that of why people won’t accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ.So, what than are the reasons people don’t accept the Gospel? The reasons can be all sorts of things such as religious traditions, peer pressure within the family or within friendships, the work of Satan, or even doubting […]
Not a Virus, but a Weakened Immune System, is the Greatest Threat to Public Health
Several scientific studies have now shown that immunity after a natural infection gives a better protection than immunity after Covid-19-vaccination. Natural immunity may well be necessary to build up full protection in the population, writes immunologist dr. Carla Peeters.a By now, the vulnerable and at-risk groups in most western countries have been vaccinated with one […]
Christian Stance on Abortion – Part 4 Compromise, Churches, Conclusion
I talk about this topic with mainly the Dutch society in mind. Our country has many political parties. And with many I do mean: Many! As far as I know we have only two political parties who are against abortion. Both parties are Christian and do not receive many votes. As a consequence, they hardly […]
Christian Stance on Abortion – Part 3 Dilemmas
Christian Stance on Abortion – Part 2 Human or Not
Christian Stance on Abortion – Part 1 Terms
Before I start, it might be good to clarify some terms. Terminology makes a distinction in development. Often the unborn is referred to as an embryo in its earliest stage of development and when this stage is over the foetal stage begins (normally eight to ten development weeks for the embryonic stage). These terms do […]
Romans 13 — Possible Meaning
Romans 13 — What it Doesn’t Say
Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel
Conclusion – They have proven Boston’s points Intro The conclusion of why people won’t accept the Gospel: They have proven Boston’s points Introductory video The first video was an introduction to this series. And yes! Right away I made a mistake. Not a huge one, but I did misrepresent Calvinism by stating that Calvinism says […]
Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel
Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel
Reason 7 – They have no anxiety for the supply of their soul-wants Intro The seventh reason of why people won’t accept the Gospel: They have no anxiety for the supply of their soul-wants Boston said: They have no anxiety for the supply of their soul-wants. They want grace and holiness, but they can be […]
Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel
Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel
Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel
Reason 4 – ‘They are strangers to their utter inability to help themselves’ Intro The fourth reason of why people won’t accept the Gospel: They are strangers to their utter inability to help themselves Boston said: They are like Samson, in another case, who knew not that his strength was departed from him. We may […]
Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel
Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel
Eight Reasons Why People Won’t Accept The Gospel
Eight Reasons why people won’t accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Introduction I’ve been making 20 videos in which I tried to give simple answers on regular critical questions. I called this series the ‘silly Christian series’. Some, especially my kids, were wondering why I did that. One of them said that it is kind of offending to her. And she is quit right. I am […]
Is the Church Losing Her Credibility?
Dealing With Corona
Nashville Declaration’s statement January 2019, the Dutch are in conflict with each other! the Nashville declaration is a document in which Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood from the US states what the church’s believes are on the topic of marriage. In short the document declares precisely what the church’s doctrine on marriage has been for […]
Life is a precious gift of God. Although one will not find the term ‘abortion’ in the Bible, Scripture has definitely a stance on the practise of abortion. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knows us before He forms us in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation […]
Evolution & Creation
Evolution related Brian Catalucci (Seminars) CSE Creation Boot Camp 2005 The Voyage That Shook The World Expelled: No intelligence allowed A Question of Origins Evolution: Fact/fiction Life’s Story Drama in Rocks Icons of evolution Unlocking Mysteries Dinosaurs/Dragons Evolution related The Human Heart The Eye: Design or Evolution? Whales: Designed or Evolved? Dinosaurs, Genesis & the […]
Why Mission Matters?
Seen From a Secular Viewpoint1 Introduction A commonly heard statement against missionary work is to leave people alone: do not spoil their culture and belief systems. One should not bother people groups with alien belief systems. This argument is understandable because many appreciate the diversity of cultures around the world. Rightly so, it is one […]
Statement of Faith
(A) priorities The scientific aspects of creation are important, but secondary to the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Ruler, Creator, Redeemer and Judge. The teachings on the Creator and Creation are inseparable from the Gospel of Christ, they cannot be separated from it. (B) The fundamentals The 66 books of the Bible […]
Guest speaker
Introduction Hello, nice of you to take a moment to read this. At the time of writing, we (my family and I) are living and working as missionaries on Madagascar. This, then, is equally my passion: Telling others about the wonderful news that Jesus died and rose for them! Before this vocation, I studied theology […]
Apologetics – All Articles
This is an important page on this website! An apologist is a person who defends his faith, and it needs no explanation about the importance of this fact. Most apologists are likely people who like to read books, follow lectures, or gather information differently. If this information contributes to the arsenal of a defender of […]
Ethics – Abortion
“The sacredness of life is in Christian eyes an absolute which should not be violated” (Lambeth Conference of Bishops, 1958) Can or Should One Apply This Statement to Abortion? Note: There is a postscript included after the bibliography.Please, read this to understand my point of view! Jurgen Hofmann Total word-count: 2479 20th January 2014 Introduction […]