Not a Virus, but a Weakened Immune System, is the Greatest Threat to Public Health

Not a Virus, but a Weakened Immune System, is the Greatest Threat to Public Health

Several scientific studies have now shown that immunity after a natural infection gives a better protection than immunity after Covid-19-vaccination. Natural immunity may well be necessary to build up full protection in the population, writes immunologist dr. Carla Peeters.a

By now, the vulnerable and at-risk groups in most western countries have been vaccinated with one of the four ‘Under Emergency Admission’ (EUA) licensed Covid-19 vaccines. Remarkably, in the countries with the highest vaccination coverage (Israel1, Iceland2 and England3) high numbers of positive tests (also called ‘infections’,4) are detected. It also appears, contrary to expectations, that people, who have been vaccinated twice, can be tested positive, can carry a high viral load. The can also possibly transmit the virus5 and end up in hospital6 themselves. The Israeli doctor Kobi Havi indicates on Channel 13 News that 85 to 90 % of seriously ill people in hospital are fully vaccinated. The effectiveness of vaccinations appears to be declining or disappearing. The ‘one size fits all’ approach can become a dead-end when the current one-sided strategy on one virus is anxiously continued.

In England, several immunologists are speaking out about the danger of a weakened immune system in the population, increasing the risk of infections and chronic diseases7. As a result of the lockdowns and the measures—such as keeping one and a half metre8 and the wearing of masks9—the immune system may have become less effective than before the pandemic. Children and adults have had less contact with other viruses and bacteria, so the immune system is less challenged and therefore less trained. In addition, factors such as altered diet and lifestyle, exposure to toxic substances through the frequent use of disinfectants and masks, and the increase in stress, play an important role. The use of medication has also increased during the corona pandemic. In the Netherlands, the CBS reports that the mental health is the lowest since the last 20 years during the first quarter of 2021. Nivel reports10 that the use of psychopharmaceuticals among young people, aged 15 to 24, increased in the first quarter in 2021. This was previously seen in England and the United States. From the psychoneuro-immunology it is known that, mental health plays an important role in a correct functioning immune system. The long duration of the measures can weaken the innate and adaptive immune system. (See box at the bottom of this page for explanation).

Well-functioning immune system crucial for health

The ability of the total immune system to function effectively and efficiently is crucial when the body is confronted with foreign substances, pathogens or, for example, cancer cells. It is equally important for a successful responds with a good immunity (protection) after vaccination.

Studies on the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine have already shown that older people cannot always respond effectively11 on the influenza vaccine. There is often an ageing immune system in older people. This is referred to as immunosenescence. This can result in that, despite vaccination, no good protection can be generated. A study, conducted in Norway, among one hundred deceased, frail, elderly shortly after a Covid-19 vaccination12 shows that the vaccine probably played a role in ten of the deceased and possibly in 26. In addition to old people, people with chronic diseases such as rheumatism, MS or those who had an organ transplantation may have a weakened immunity. A significant proportion of the people with chronic diseases, who participated in a Dutch research, turned out not to be able13, 14 to initiate a good antibody-response after two vaccinations, with one of the four Covid-19 vaccines. In the meantime a start has been made to offer this group a third vaccination. The results of this are not yet known. Because the immune system in this group does not function optimally and the same vaccine is used for this third injection, no great improvements are to be expected. The EMA and ECDC consider a third booster for healthy groups not to be urgently needed15.

A vaccination is not the same as good protection

Vaccination does not lead to good protection in every person. The majority of people who are currently vaccinated do not know whether they have built up antibodies and/or T-cell immunity This is not measured. It is also possible that a good immunity has already been built up without vaccination due to infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus or an earlier infection (with a different Corona virus) that may or may not (asymptomatic) have been noticed16. A study, published in Nature, showed that, seventeen years after a natural infection with the SARS-CoV-1 virus, protective T-cell cross-reactivity for the SARS-CoV-2 virus could be demonstrated17. Fifteen scientific studies have now shown that immunity following natural infection gives a better protection18 than immunity after Covid-19-vaccination. An Israeli study showed a 27x less chance of reinfection and eight times less chance19 on hospitalisation compared to a vaccination.

Another recently published study20 also showed better immunity after natural infection. This may have to do with the fact that a natural infection trickers a broader immune response against a larger variety of viral coated proteins. A reduction in the efficacy of the innate and adaptive immune systems (see box) may also occur after an injection with one of the mRNA vaccines, which in turn leads to an increased risk of a more severe course of subsequent infections, as shown by a not yet peer-reviewed publication21 to which Dutch scientists also contributed.

Even before the Covid-19 vaccines were on the market, there was talk of a possible danger from Antibody Dependent Enhancement, a well-known phenomenon that was observed during the development of previous corona vaccines. This means that the body makes antibodies but is unable to neutralise the virus, whereby binding to the antibodies present in the cell, making it easier for the virus to replicate more easily. This is considered by various scientists as a possible explanation22 of the reinfections observed after vaccination. Research by the Mayo Clinic and Boston University shows that the efficacy decreased six months after the second injection with the Pfizer vaccine23 from 76% to 42% and with Moderna from 86% to 76%.

Although politicians around the world are talking about a third injection24 with the same vaccine, scientists in Iceland, England and the USA are reluctant to do so. Natural immunity may be needed to build up full protection in the population. The virus is now endemic and has a survival rate for people under 69 years of age25 99.410 % and in young people under 19 years of age more than 99,997 %. Moreover, there are no published scientific studies to show that a third vaccination actually adds value. Because of a shortage of vaccines, the WHO wants vaccines, released under the EUA, be made available for countries where hardly any vaccinations have been carried out so far

The antibodies induced by the vaccines appear to decrease after six months26. The fact that antibodies are not measurable does not always mean that people are no longer immune. It seems that after a natural infection, even though antibodies cannot be measured in the blood, antibody-producing B cells can still be detected in the bone marrow, which indicates the possibility of a rapid response reaction27 after reinfection. A survey among healthcare workers at the Cleveland clinic showed that vaccinating people who have already gone through a natural infection is nonsensical28.

Impending tsunami of hospital admissions is preventable

Some English immunologists have explained that the large increase in hospital admissions with RSV infections (common cold virus) in children in South Wales and Wales and Australia may be a result of lockdowns that have suppressed the normal function of the immune system. An increase of the RSV virus in children29 and people with fungus in their lungs in the ICU was reported in the Netherlands and Belgium30. These are infections that occur rarely and only in people with very weak immune systems. As the pressure increases through lockdowns, measures and large-scale vaccinations targeting a protein of the virus, the more likely it is that mutations will occur in the virus that could make it more dangerous for vulnerable groups. The immunity induced by the vaccine does not appear to be sufficiently effective to stop the mutant virus (Delta variant) in all people.

According to various experts, it is much better, now that a large part of society has already been vaccinated, like Denmark and Iceland, to lift all measures and let the virus wander. This would simultaneously build up natural immunity and strengthen the immune system. Vaccination-mandates with an experimental vaccine and accompanying passports cannot provide the broad protection for a strong immune system that is also effective against other viruses. Moreover, the knowledge about resilience of a natural immunity after an infection and/or through cross-reactivity with other (corona) viruses is undermined by a vaccination passport, certainly because it is now known from studies that have already shown that the risk of reinfection in vaccinated persons is greater. A focus on vaccinations with (in)direct obligations creates an unjustified and not scientifically account for the division in society. Above all, with the already shortage of healthcare staff, continuing along the same path is an invitation to an all-destroying tsunami. Not only by Covid-19, much more likely by other pathogens caused serious infections and sharp increase in cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression. The immune system is in fact also involved in the prevention of chronic diseases.

The government would do well to provide, at least children, the elderly, vulnerable groups of people on welfare, immigrants, and health care workers with a basic amount of vitamin D, which many scientific studies have shown that it strengthens the innate and adaptive immunity31. In this way, unnecessary illnesses and hospitalisations due to vitamin D deficiencies in healthcare can be prevented and better protection from infections or from vaccinations can be realised. It is always better to achieve a goal via multiple ways32.

Explanation innate and adaptive immune system

(Partly taken from an interview by Nieuws.nl33 with Dr. Carla Peeters).

The innate immune system is the first and not specific defence mechanism. It stops all potential pathogenic organisms. This system is formed by physical barriers, such as skin, saliva and mucous membranes. In many cases this is sufficient to stop a pathogen or foreign substance from entering the body. It is only switched over to the adaptive immune system when the pathogen is able to break through the first barrier. Cells from the innate immune system present the fragments of the pathogen or foreign substance to B cells and T cells of the adaptive immune system. The B cells ensure the release of antibodies. The antibodies formed move freely in the blood and can bind foreign pathogens. The pathogen-antibody complex is then broken down and eliminated by macrophages, among others. There are also T cells that directly aim on pathogens that have entered cells. They can help to destroy these infected cells and, on the other hand, reinforce the antibody response by B cells and at the same time keep them in check. The B and T cells can develop into memory cells and are activated much faster than with the first infection. The memory results in an increased response of antibodies, often with a stronger binding to a protein of the pathogen and a broader response against multiple fragments of the protein (epitope). This will increase the chance that the pathogen will be cleared effectively and quickly. You can see this in natural infections and also vaccinations. The chance that you will become ill by an infection decreases.


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dr. Carla Peeters (
Translated by Jurgen Hofmann, 21-09-2021

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