Posts Tagged / Education

The Demiurge – Then and Now

The demiurge - then and now A while ago, I made a series on the various false teachings that have existed over the centuries. In the video on Docetism & Gnosticismi, I mentioned toe the so-called ‘demiurge.’ One of you asked if I could tell a bit more about that. I left that topic on the shelf for a while. But […]

Conspiracies – Don’t we have Anything beter to do?

🇬🇧 CONSPIRACIES — Don't we have Anything Better to do? Conspiracies. We’re busy at it! And let’s face it, we’re good at it! So just a few theories: The moon landing was staged; the earth is flat, and they don’t want us to know it; the construction of the temple is all prepared; big pharma controls all medical research; the Covid jab was meant to […]

Is Religious Upbringing like Child-Abuse?

🇬🇧 Is it Child-Abuse to Teach Religion to Your Child? We have been blessed with five children. All five we have brought up with the Christian faith as our guiding principle. They don’t know any better or daddy preaches Gospel to everybody and everyone else. Three of them have been baptised. Entirely on their own initiative, by the way. But yes, if some people are […]

The Rapture

THE RAPTURE [Dangerous Ideas Emerging in the Church of Christ] Dangerous Ideas in the Church of Christ Introduction Many dear brothers and sisters I know believe in the rapture before the great tribulation or pre-trib rapture as they call it. The main text used for this comes from 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with […]

Heresies all around us – Docetism & Gnosticism

Is matter inherently evil and was this the reason that God could not become human or was Jesus just an illusion? Part 10 – Docetism & Gnosticism Some would say that the material world is inherently evil. If that is true, God could not have become flesh like we read in John 1. This teaching is also called ‘Docetism’ and it seems to tight in closely with Gnosticism. Which is Which? Okay, it might be a […]

Heresies all around us – Subordinationism

Is Jesus less than the Father? (Subordinationism) Part 9 – Subordinationism We read in the Bible that Jesus voluntarily placed Himself under the authority of the Father. But could it be that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are subordinate in terms of their nature and in essence? This is what we are going to discuss today. Subordinationism Subordinationism teaches that Jesus (and […]

Heresies all Around us – Kenosis

Did Jersus leave His Divine Nature behind in Heaven? Part 8 – Kenosis Did Jesus empty himself of divinity in the incarnation? In other words, did Jesus give up His deity when He became human? This idea is sometimes called kenotic theology. Confusing This word, kenosis, is confusing at best and misleading at worst. The word kenosis comes from the Greek kenoo, which mean […]

Heresies all Around us – Adoptionism

adoptionism Part 7 – Adoptionism As far back as the second century, several groups already debated Jesus’ preexistence. One such group are called Adoptionists. They denied the preexistence of Jesus and, as a consequence, His deity. Jesus was tested by God According to these teaching, Jesus was just a human like you and I. Adoptionism, says […]

Heresies all Around us – Pelagianism

Can You Realy Decide to Follow Christ? [About Free Will and Pelagianism] Part 6 – Pelagianism I came to Christ around 1994. In my testimony I often say that I chose to be saved by Jesus. I think you can even hear me saying that in my online testimony.i But, does that mean that I was capable of deciding all one my own? Pelagianism Well, it might […]

Heresies all Around us – Donatism

Part 5 – Donatism Is your baptism invalid if your baptiser was adulterer? Picture this: You decided to become a real follower of Christ. You realised that you needed to be baptist. That is your first step of obedience to Jesus. Your pastor was more than willing to baptise you. But, two weeks later you […]

Heresies all Around us – Modalism

Heresies all Around us Part 4 – Modalism Part 4 – Modalism Jesus is like an uncle, nephew, father, brother, or son… Come on Patrick! Try this: Ask your pastor, youth leader or someone else in your church to explain the trinity! That is a fun question to ask, don’t you think? Many will struggle to give a good answer, and that is […]

Heresies all Around us – Antinomianism

Heresies all Around us Part 3 – Antinomianism Part 3 – Antinomianism Let’s ditch the Old Testament laws! We are no longer under the law, right? Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Still, in many churches, we find the commandments written on banners. What’s more, every Sunday many congregations […]

Heresies all Around us – Arianism

Part 2 Arianism - What if Jesus was just a mere created man like you and me? Part 2 – Arianism ➜ ➜ ➜ PS. Who noticed the mistake at the end of the video? No, it wasn’t a slip of the tongue. It was really in my head…. But what? A Christian believes that salvation cannot come through works or by another created being. We believe that we can only be […]

Heresies all Around us – Introduction

Heresies - part 1 what is a heresy? Part 1 – What is heresy? Jehovah’s Witnesses are like the Dutch people… You’ll find them all around the world. Please don’t complain about this comparison. I myself am Dutch. And I know, the Dutch mostly go around the world to do business, which can be good, right? The Jehovah’s Witnesses mostly go around to […]

Evidential Apologetics?

Evidential apologetcs, what is it, and what can we do with it? If you think defending the Christian faith is just a small discipline within theology, you might be surprised that there are several styles. These styles come with their own extensive literature. There are four main types of Christian apologetics: Classical, evidential, presuppositional, and fideism. In this video I would like to look with you at […]

Classical Apologetics?

Classical apologetics, what is it and what can we do with it? If you think defending the Christian faith is just a small discipline within theology, you might be surprised that there are several styles. These styles come with their own extensive literature. There are four main types of Christian apologetics: Classical, evidential, presuppositional, and fideism. In this video I would like to look with you at […]

Fideistical Apologetics?

Fideistic apologetics, what is it and what can we do with it? If you think defending the Christian faith is just a small discipline within theology, you might be surprised that there are several styles. These styles come with their own extensive literature. There are four main types of Christian apologetics: Classical, evidential, presuppositional, and fideism. In this video I would like to look with you at […]

Presuppositional Apologetics?

Presuppositional apologetics, what is it and what can we do with it? If you think defending the Christian faith is just a small discipline within theology, you might be surprised that there are several styles. These styles come with their own extensive literature. There are four main types of Christian apologetics: Classical, evidential, presuppositional, and fideism. In this video I would like to look with you at […]

73 Books of the Roman Catholic Bible

The 73 books of the roman catholic church I never really bothered about the extra books in the Roman Catholic bible. I always thought that this was just about a dispute in the early church. But is it? Let’s find out. Many of our more respectable Bibles, such as the King James Version, Revised Standard Version, and the New International Version, have just […]

Do I have the Holy Spirit?

Do I Have the Holy Spirit? Have you ever wondered whether the Holy Spirit lives in you or not? I know I have! When I became a Christian the whole concept of the Holy Spirit was baffling to me. Well willing Christians tried to explain it to me, and they came with all sorts of terms: Baptism in the Spirit; receiving […]

Are They Shaming and Naming Your Kids?

Shaming and Naming Intro In the last video I talked about how you should not raise your kids, and hopefully it helped you to be more conscience about the importance of your role as a parent. Now, there is another thing I would like to discuss. I came to realise that one of the biggest weapons of Satan […]

How not to Raise your Kids

I am going to do it again… That one thing that has brought me in trouble several times before. I am going to talk about raising children. Trouble So, why would this topic bring me in trouble? I think it is because it is a very emotional issue. I don’t know of any parents who […]

Atheist’s Opinion – Again the Wager

Atheist Experience 30-03-2008i This wager thingy was still on my mind when I came across a YouTube channel called the ‘Atheist Experience.’ This channel is already running 13 years, so you could say that these guys are pretty experienced in them being atheistic and all. One of the faces of this channel is mister Matt […]

Pascal’s Wager

You Wanna Bet on it? My kids love to climb trees. Overall, I’m okay with that, but I normally give them one very important but simple rule: You are not allowed to fall out! And whatta you know… They tend to break that one simple rule every time. One day, one of them came running […]

Natural Order of Things

Nortega came up a good topic. He said: If you can, would you mind explaining why we should use our (bodily or spiritual) capacities for the ends to which they are ordered? […] To my knowledge, the notion of ‘ordered’ in the sense in which I am using it derives from Thomistic and (originally) Aristotelian […]

The Common Consent Argument Made Simple

In the last video, and the videos before I asked you whether you have any topics you would like me to discuss. So far, I have several. One of you want to talk about deism and why it is or isn’t a flawed idea. And Nortega came up with also a good topic. He said: […]

The Argument from Conscience Made Simple

What is good for you, isn’t necessarily good for me. Did you hear that one before? I did! It is called ‘moral subjectivism’, and it is very popular in our western society. But things seems to change if you start to talk about one’s conscience. I have met many who do not, or who refuse, […]

Argument from Miracles Made simple

This argument from miracles, and others, like the argument from religious experience and the argument from change, are not designed to prove the absolute existence of God they only claim a strong probability. Still, I include these kinds of arguments because they, together with all the other arguments, form a strong cumulative case. Other arguments […]

Argument from the Origin of the Idea of God Made simple

This argument is closely related to the ontological argument. It starts from the idea of God. However, unlike the ontological argument, it does not say that real being is part of the content of that idea. Nope, it tries to demonstrate that only God Himself could have make this idea to develop in our thoughts. […]

Argument from Change Made Simple

The material world we know is a world of change. My oldest son is about 1.76 metre. But he was not always that height. When he was born, he was about 51 centimetres. Yes, he changed a lot during the last 15 years. General Sherman is the biggest tree in the world. According to estimates, […]

Christ, not Caesar, Is Head of the Church

A Biblical Case for the Church’s Duty to Remain Open Christ is Lord of all. He is the one true head of the church (Ephesians 1:22; 5:23; Colossians 1:18). He is also King of kings—sovereign over every earthly authority (1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; 19:16). The Church should stand immovably on those biblical principles. As […]

Religious Experience Argument Made Simple

We have discussed several arguments for God. Now we’ve come to the fifth argument and I think this one will tricker most resistance. The Religious Experience argument for the existence of God! A religious experience is when someone feels they have had a direct or personal experience of God. This argument basically says that if […]

Moral Argument Made Simple

A new video! On apologetics again. I promised in my last video to show you a bit of our road here in the countryside of Madagascar. So, stay tuned, because I will paste some of that footage at the end of this video. Anyway, let’s get started. I grew up in a time that knew […]

Teleological Argument Made Simple

What do you think? Are we like orphans or are we citizens of our universe? Are we just an accident, a fluke, a product of mere chance? If we have to belief the secular world we are just a result of time, space, matter, chance and impersonal laws. No, the universe is just what it […]

Cosmological Argument Made Simple

Do you know mister William Lane Craig? This is a hugely smart man, and listening to him sounds like you’re reading an official academic essay. I’ve written a lot of essays and I wish I could write them as fast as he formulates his sentences. Mister Craig is well known for his philosophical way of […]

Ontological Argument Made Simple

Introduction In his 1078 work Proslogion, Anselm of Canterbury came with the idea which is known as ‘the ontological argument’. In this argument God’s existence is not just possible or probable or very likely, but is logically ensured. Anselm defined God as “that than which nothing greater can be thought”. Anselm said that this being […]

Apologetic Arguments Made Simple

What’s Next? See all videos below In previous videos, I have been talking that I wanted to do some videos on apologetic arguments. Until now, I have chosen different topics each time. Topics that some of you suggested and also topics suggested by my own family. The latest suggestion was that of the impact of […]

Romans 13 — What I Think

Part 1 – Introduction Part 2 – History Part 3 – What is doesn’t say Part 4 – Possible meaning Part 5 – What I think it means Part 6 – What to do with it? What I Believe Romans 13:1-7 Means Introduction I am a bit doubtful whether I should name this episode ‘What […]

Romans 13 — Possible Meaning

Part 1 – Introduction Part 2 – History Part 3 – What is doesn’t say Part 4 – Possible meaning Part 5 – What I think it means Part 6 – What to do with it? What Romans 13:1-7 Might Mean Introduction Sometimes, you just want to see whether there are more possibilities than one. […]

Romans 13 — What it Doesn’t Say

Part 1 – Introduction Part 2 – History Part 3 – What is doesn’t say Part 4 – Possible meaning Part 5 – What I think it means Part 6 – What to do with it? What Romans 13:1-7 isn’t saying Introduction This is part three of this series about Romans 13:1-7. In part two […]

Romans 13 — History

Part 1 – Introduction Part 2 – History Part 3 – What is doesn’t say Part 4 – Possible meaning Part 5 – What I think it means Part 6 – What to do with it? Throughout History of Romans 13:1-7 Let’s dive into the history and see what Christians throughout the ages made of […]

Penal Substitution Theory Explained

A short explanation of the Penal Substitution Theory These are just some notes a friend of mine took many years ago during our lectures. So they are not an extended explanation but just a brief overview. Penal (that Christ satisfied the penalty of the law, as the righteousness of the Father demanded) substitution (that he […]

Christus Victor Explained

A short explanation of the Christus Victor theory These are just some notes a friend of mine took many years ago during our lectures. So they are not an extended explanation but just a brief overview. History Developed by Gustaf Aulén (May 15, 1879 – December 16, 1977) the Lutheran professor and Bishop of Strängnäs […]

Nashville Declaration’s statement January 2019, the Dutch are in conflict with each other! the Nashville declaration is a document in which Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood from the US states what the church’s believes are on the topic of marriage. In short the document declares precisely what the church’s doctrine on marriage has been for […]

Het Lam van God

Our Apologise There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

The Hell

Grief By Jurgen hofmann 05-11-2005 (last modified 13-02-2014, translated in English 06-12-2022) Introduction A study on hell? Now what is that for you might ask. This topic was chosen because relatively little is known about hell. There is a kind of taboo on the subject among Christians, not to mention what non-believers think about it. Church […]

De Eindtijd

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

Beginnings Session 6

The Truth Something to Think About Some things are self-evidently true. They are axiomatic. You cannot have a painting without a painter, and you cannot have a creation without a Creator. Atheistic Evolutionists have to deny logic itself in order to argue against such obvious truth. Furthermore, they are approaching the truth from the wrong […]

Beginnings Session 5

Fact vs. Faith Something to Think About Perspective determines everything. Facts are absolute, but interpretation changes with the individual. Evolutionists are always trying to blur the line between the facts and their interpretations of the facts. They assert that their theories are fact rather than faith. In reality, the facts support the Biblical account of […]

Beginnings Session 3

It Was Good Something to Think About Did man really live to be hundreds of years old before the Flood, as the Bible says? Could there be a scientific and biblical explanation for dinosaurs and giant men? Why do we see suffering in the world if a good God created it? Creationism accounts for all […]

Beginnings Session 2

How Old Is It? Something to Think About Something to Think About Do we really know that the earth is ancient? Have we heard the evidence from the other side? The truth is that the evidence points strongly to a young earth. In fact, even dinosaurs fit into this worldview. God has given us limiting […]

Beginnings Session 1

They are both religious Something to Think About Is evolution science or religion? Nothing about evolution belongs in the category of science. It’s a religion just like Creationism. However, Evolutionism is a dangerous religion. You see, ideas lead to worldviews. Worldviews result in actions. Consider the different actions an atheist might take in various situations […]


It’s time to start your journey through Beginnings, the curriculum that will educate, entertain, and prepare you for the most pressing topic of our day—creation versus evolution! Join Eric Hovind for six fascinating sessions. Beginnings is a creation experience for small groups, churches, and individuals from all walks of life. Creation Speaker, Eric Hovind, explores […]

‘Biologie voor jou’ nawoord

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ aanvullingen

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ pp. 255-256

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ pp. 253-254

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ p. 252

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ pp. 247-251

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ pp. 243-246

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ p. 242

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ p. 241

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ p. 240

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ pp. 238-239

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ p. 237

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ pp. 235-236

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ pp. 233-234

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ pp. 231-232

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ p. 230

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ pp. 228-229

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

‘Biologie voor jou’ p. 227

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). I you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is al ready working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

3VMBO ‘Biologie voor jou’

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). If you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is already working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

3VMBO ‘Biologie voor jou’

Our Apologies There is no English content for this page (yet?). If you like you can help by translating the Dutch content. However, before you get all enthusiastic, first contact It might well be that somebody is already working on the translation of this page. Enquiries about translations

Statement of Faith

(A) priorities The scientific aspects of creation are important, but secondary to the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Ruler, Creator, Redeemer and Judge. The teachings on the Creator and Creation are inseparable from the Gospel of Christ, they cannot be separated from it. (B) The fundamentals The 66 books of the Bible […]

About me

Hello, my name is Jurgen Hofmann. I’m Dutch and grew up in a little city. I got married in 1997, and since 2015 we have been blessed with five children. (A short summary of my experiences) Redcliffe College (Gloucester, UK) Graad/titel: Certificate Bible-Storying Linguistic, Translation, and Literacy November 2014 London School of Theology Degree/title: DipHE […]

Guest speaker

Introduction Hello, nice of you to take a moment to read this. At the time of writing, we (my family and I) are living and working as missionaries on Madagascar. This, then, is equally my passion: Telling others about the wonderful news that Jesus died and rose for them! Before this vocation, I studied theology […]